Launch of The Scholarship Competition For 2023-2026
Today, we officially launch the Scholarship competition for our 2023-2026 cycle. The Foundation will seek the brightest emerging Scholars from Canada and abroad to receive this remarkable Scholarship, as has always been the case.
Through the Foundation’s leadership development program, these Scholars will learn from a new cohort of Fellows and Mentors, leading lights in their institutions and communities, under the scientific theme beginning in 2023, “Canada in The World: The Future of Foreign Policy”
Health crises, growing economic disparities, the changing nature of conflicts, migratory flows, the impact of climate change, the digital revolution and cyber threats: profound transformations in the world order have called into question the foundations on which Canadian foreign policy rests.
In past years, the tumultuous complexity of global shifts in interstate dynamics and power have caused several experts to weigh in on how Canada’s government may recalibrate its foreign policy. This Scientific Cycle on Canada in the World focuses on the future of Canada’s international engagement and foreign policy. The areas of inquiry in this landscape create ample opportunity for examination through the lens of the Foundation’s other themes: Responsible Citizenship, Human Rights & Dignity, and People & Their Natural Environment.
Seeking a Diversity of Perspectives
The selection criteria for the competition were significantly modified in 2021 in order to better meet the orientations of the Foundation's 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. These criteria are built upon the definition of diversity outlined in the plan, including the commitment to a diversity of perspectives, now under the banner Plurality of Perspectives.

Towards a more open process
While Universities remain a vital partner in our selection process, all eligible candidates must now apply to the Foundation directly. This open application will allow far more candidates to be considered for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship.
We look forward to applicants who demonstrate the greatest academic excellence and intellectual capacity, leadership and engagement, agility and resilience, and, importantly, a commitment to engaging with a plurality of perspectives.
Learn more about our Scholarship program: https://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/become-scholar