Stephan Delaux
Stephan Delaux studied at the University of Bordeaux, graduating with a Bachelor's degree in public law and a postgraduate diploma in political science, namely studies in local government and administration. Mr. Delaux also studied at the London School of Economics as part of his research on interest groups in urban environments.
Involved in community work, he became director of the Centre d'Information Jeunesse d'Aquitaine, where he created the Carte Jeunes, which became the smart, thrifty companion in the daily lives of millions of young people across Europe. He developed the card in many countries and, to ensure reciprocal benefits and coordinate development, set up an association under a partial agreement with the Council of Europe. He became president of this international association.
Stephan Delaux, a native of Bordeaux, is attracted by local politics. In 1990, they became involved with Jacques Chaban Delmas. He was elected General Councillor for Gironde.
A communications professional, he helped found a communications agency, where he remained a partner until 2008. Elected deputy mayor of Bordeaux under Alain Juppé in 1995, his first term of office was devoted to education, followed by three terms in charge of tourism and major events. As President of the Bordeaux Convention and Visitors Bureau and Chairman of Bordeaux Grands Évènements, he developed the city's tourist appeal and the influence of the Bordeaux brand in France and abroad, in liaison with the economic world and the wine industry in particular. Major popular events have been created in Bordeaux, Hong Kong, Brussels, Quebec, Liverpool, Fukuoka and Los Angeles. Thanks to an ambitious urban project spearheaded by the mayor, Bordeaux became a major destination. Tourism became an important axis of the city's economic development and cultural influence.
Definitively retired from political life in 2020, Stephan Delaux is now a trustee of the Belem Foundation, supported by the Caisses d'Épargne and owner of the famous Trois Mâts, which was present for the 400th anniversary of Quebec. In 2024, the Belem will carry the Olympic flame from Athens to Marseille.
Stephan Delaux is a Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite, a Chevalier des palmes académique and a Médailleur du Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports.