Peter Harder
Peter Harder is Senior Policy Advisor to Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP. He possesses a wealth of expertise in public policy as a result of his involvement at the centre of government decision making for over thirty years. Prior to joining FMC, Peter Harder was a long serving Deputy Minister in the Government of Canada. First appointed a Deputy Minister in 1991, he served as the most senior public servant in a number of federal departments including Treasury Board, Solicitor General, Citizenship and Immigration, Industry and Foreign Affairs and International Trade. At Foreign Affairs, he assumed the responsibilities of the Personal Representative of the Prime Minister to three G8 Summits (Sea Island, Gleneagles and St. Petersburg).
Peter Harder served as Co-Chair of the Canada China Strategic Working Group. In 2000, the Governor General presented him with the Prime Minister's Outstanding Achievement Award for public service leadership. In 2002, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal for public service. In 2007, the President of Colombia named him grand master of the Order of San Carlos for his contribution to international relations.
Peter Harder has joined the Boards of Great-West Lifeco, ARISE Technologies, Telesat Canada, KRIA Resources Inc., and Pinetree Capital Limited. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Ottawa, The United Church Foundation and other charitable organizations.
In 2008, Peter Harder was elected President of the Canada China Business Council (CCBC). He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA) and is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). Peter Harder is a Jury member for the Donner Book Prize, and is a regular commentator on CBC Newsworld's Politics with Don Newman.