Nancy Cleman
Nancy Cleman is responsible for Lapointe Rosenstein Marchand Melançon, LLP's Intellectual Property group. She is a registered trademark agent and an accredited mediator (commercial). Nancy has extensive experience both nationally and internationally and provides legal advice to a variety of corporate and commercial clients with a focus on intellectual property, privacy and information technology law. She is active in community work and sits on several boards and committees. In addition, she regularly speaks and gives conferences on a variety of topics. She is immediate past Co-chair of the Access to Justice in the English Language Committee (The Bar of Montreal), and has served as Chair of the ADR Committee of IPIC (Intellectual Property Institute of Canada), Member of the SDAC Committee of CARTaGENE. Member of the Advisory Committee of Women in STEM (YES Montreal). Currently she is a Chair of the Goverance Committee and Member of the Program & Vigilance Committee (Le Portage), Member of the Board of Directors of the Centre d'accueil Le programme de Portage inc and the Board of Directors of the Programme de Portage relatif à la dépendance de la drogue inc. She is also Past President of the Canadian Technology Law Association and Past President of the Lord Reading Law Society.