Myriam Denov
Dr. Myriam Denov holds the Canada Research Chair in Youth, Gender and Armed Conflict (Tier 1), and is a professor at McGill University's School of Social Work. Professor Denov's research focuses on gender-based violence, children in adversity, and international child protection, with an emphasis on children in armed conflict. A specialist in participatory and arts-based research who has worked with war-affected children in Asia, Africa, and the Americas, Professor Denov is currently conducting research on the reintegration experiences of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone and Colombia, and war-affected youth living in Canada. Denov has presented expert evidence in court on child soldiers and has advised government and nongovernmental organizations on children in armed conflict and girls in armed groups. She has authored four books, including Child Soldiers: Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front (Cambridge University Press) and Children's Rights and International Development: Lessons and Challenges from the Field (Palgrave Macmillan). Funded by FQRSC, she currently leads a multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary research team on children and global adversity. Denov holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, where she was a Commonwealth Scholar.