Jennifer Welsh
Jennifer M. Welsh is the Canada 150 Research Chair in Global Governance and Security at McGill University, where she will be, beginning in January 2019, professor in the Political Science department and at the Max Bell School of Public Policy. She was previously Professor and Chair in International Relations at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and Professor in International Relations at the University of Oxford, where she co-founded the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict.
From 2013-2016, she served as the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, on the Responsibility to Protect. Professor Welsh is the author, co-author, and editor of several books and articles on humanitarian intervention, the evolution of the notion of the ‘responsibility to protect’ in international society, the UN Security Council, and Canadian foreign policy.
A 2006 fellow of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, she is a frequent media commentator on international affairs and Canadian foreign policy. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan, and a Masters Degree and Doctorate from the University of Oxford, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar.