Astrid Christoffersen-Deb
Never questioning she would one day practice medicine, Astrid Christoffersen-Deb takes her inspiration from the wondrous mechanics of the human body, a science she has been immersed in as a medical school graduate and, more recently, as a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist resident. Preparing her patients during pregnancy, celebrating labour and birth, and, occasionally, sharing in the heartbreak of death has infused in her the immense sense of duty demanded by new life. From this, she draws inspiration to pursue a greater understanding of reproductive health - for herself, for Canada, and the world.
Astrid has embarked on a comparative review of the social and ethical questions raised by new reproductive technologies, stem cell and human cloning research. By studying the opinions and experiences of healthcare and research professionals across Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, and Canadian policy makers, she hopes to strengthen Canada's understanding of the scope of these new technologies, and advance the nation's role in the international discussion on this topic.