Profile picture for user Arshad.Suliman

Arshad Suliman

  • Scholar 2023
Profile picture for user Arshad.Suliman
PhD student in History
Queen's University

    Arshad Suliman is a PhD student in the Department of History at the Queen's University. He completed his BA and MA in History, and obtained a Certificate in Black Canadian Studies at York University.

    His doctoral project uses oral history methodology to explore the role of Black Canadians in transnational liberation movements in Southern Africa. This work builds on his Master's research project which reviewed Black activism in late twentieth-century Canada. 

    The Trudeau Leadership Program will provide Arshad with the skills, training, and network to support marginalized youth from low-income racialized communities who feel disconnected from secondary and post-secondary education as he did. The knowledge and experiences of fellow members of the Foundation community will strengthen his capacities as a Canadian researcher and an engaged community leader. As a kidney donor, he volunteers with the African Canadian Black Donation Awareness group at the University Health Network. In addition to his academic and community interests, Arshad enjoys spending time with his daughter, Muay Thai training, and playing baseball.

    Arshad is the son of an anti-apartheid Freedom Fighter and belongs to the Cape Coloureds ethnic group in South Africa. He identifies as a Black Canadian and is fluent in English, Afrikaans, and conversational Setswana.